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Ultrasound scans

Whisker 'N' Waggles have been providing pet services for almost 2 years. By using this service you will be saving money as it is cheaper than a trip to the vets. There will be less stress from travelling and your pets will benefit being more comfortable in their own home. This makes for a more enjoyable experience for both you and your pet. 


What's not to love??? :)

When to scan

We suggest having the first pregnancy ultrasound scan done at 4 weeks from the last tie. You will get to see everything on screen and you will be sent original pictures saved from the scans for you to keep. Due dates are given according to how they are developing, no matter what stage they are at.


Scans can be confidential if they need to be and will be fully respected. If you have used a stud and need to give proof of non pregnancies or a confirmed pregnancy, this can be done, as I can send you over the images with the dogs details saved on the image. We offer a second scan, so you get the chance to see some healthy heartbeats and to see if numbers have changed from the first scan. We suggest having a second scan when your bitch is 6.5 to 7 weeks into her pregnancy.

Our Prices

  • Pregnancy Ultrasound - £35 per scan

  • Second Pregnancy Ultrasound- £30

  • Unsocial hours scan (from 7pm+)- £40 

  • Emergency Scan- £40


Emergency scan can be a call out once your bitch has finished giving birth but you have doubts whether she has anymore left. It can be because your dog had an accident during pregnancy (fight, got caught in something etc). Emergency scan can be done if your bitch has had discharges that aren't quite right and you want to see if any have been aborted any pups. 


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